阿布柳《爱在海的彼岸》Amando Sobre o Mar - Zequinha Abreu
阿布里尔《挽歌三号》Evocacion No.3/Moderato - Anton Garcia Abril
阿瓜多《华丽回旋曲之行板》Andante from Rondo Brilliants - Dionisio Aguado
阿萨德《再会》Farewell - Sergio Assad
巴赫《萨拉班德舞曲》Sarabande from Cello Suite No.1, Andante from BWV 1003 - J.S. Bach
巴里奥斯《圣诞颂》Villancico De Navidad - Agustin Barrios
布雷西亚内罗《部分崩溃》Colascione Partitias - Giuseppe Antonio Brescianello
布劳威尔《十一月的一天》《练习曲18号》《简易练习曲1号》Un Dia de Noviembre, Study XVIII, Estudios Sencillos: No. 1 (Movideo) - Leo Brouwer
布劳威尔改编《摇篮曲》Drume Negrita (Afro-Cuban Lullaby) - Ernesto Grenet, arranged by Leo Brouwer
洛克卡巴乔《莲花》Fleur de Lotus - Roque Carbajo
卡尔卡西《练习曲7号》Op 60 studies (#7 is quite effective) - Matteo Carcassi
阿曼德·柯一克《瓜拉尼的月亮》Luna Guarani, Lamento - Armand Coeck
库普林《神秘路障》The Mysterious Barricades - Francois Couperin, arranged by Christopher Parkening
多明尼康尼《花园玫瑰》The Rose in the Garden - Carlo Domeniconi
朱利亚尼《玫瑰》La Rose, Opus 50 - Mauro Giuliani
格拉纳多斯《奉献》Dedicatoria, Epilogue from Escenas Romanticas - Enrique Granados
霍顿《我爱你》Kinkachoo I Love You - Philip Houghton
皮欧·金德林《想念你》《我将在那》《抱歉》《沉默之后》I miss you, I'll be there, I'm sorry, After Silence - Per-Olov Kindgren
克莱杨思《华尔兹肖罗》Valse-choro op 64 no 1 - Francis Kleynjans
科斯金《歌谣2号》Ballads No.2/Moderato - Nikita Koshkin
雷尼亚尼《三首小品》Tre Balli Nazionale, La Mazzurca, la Gitana e la Cachucha - Luigi Legnani
林内曼《爱之歌》Canzone d'Amore - Maria Linnemann
廖贝特《阿美里亚的遗言》《盗贼之歌》《圣母玛利亚》El Testament de n'Amelia, Canco del lladre, El Noy de la Mare - Miguel Llobet
爱德森·洛佩斯《悲歌》Cancao Triste - Edson Lopes
罗曦《乐章组曲》Suite movements - Johann Antonin Losy
拉弗莱迪《麻鹬》Curlew - William Lovelady
马切利《歌谣》Ballade - Erik Marchelie
梅林《悲歌》Evocation - Jose Louis Merlin
梅尔斯《三首夜曲》Op. 4 Trois Nocturnes - Johann Kasper Mertz
米兰《帕凡舞曲》Pavanes - Luis Milan
莫里康《爱之曲》(海上钢琴师)Playing Love from Legend of 1900 - Ennio Morricone
纳尔瓦埃斯《看守牛变奏曲》Differencias sobre Guardame las Vacas - Luis de Narvaez
佩德森《致敬萨蒂》Hommage a Eric Satie - Erling Pedersen
庞塞《前奏曲6号》Prelude no. 6 - Manuel Ponce
普伦克《萨拉班德舞曲》Sarabande - Francis Poulenc
里斯《如果她问起》(幽梦影)Se ela perguntar - Dilermando Reis
罗斯黑格《小夜曲》Serenade - Phillip Rosheger
加利·瑞恩《鸟儿飞过头顶》Birds flew over spire - Gary Ryan
萨格雷拉斯《练习曲第24首》Lesson 24 book 2 - Julio Sagreras
萨蒂《悬秘曲1号》Gnossienne no. 1 - Erik Satie
斯卡拉蒂《奏鸣曲K208》Sonata K 208 - Domenico Scarlatti
索尔《练习曲5号》《练习曲17号》《b小调练习曲》《A大调练习曲》《练习曲23号》Study #5 (op 35 no 22), study #17 (op 6 no 11), study #5 in Bm, Study in A Major (Opus 35, No. 9), Etude (Op.31 No.23) - Fernando Sor
森喜太郎《落叶之魂》Spirit of Falling Leaves - Morishige Takei
泰雷加《泪》《阿狄丽达》《小玛利亚》《大华尔兹》Lagrima, Adelita, Marieta, Gran Val - Francisco Tarrega
托拉克松《华尔兹》Vals Solano - Eythor Thorlaksson
托罗巴《托里加城堡》Torija, Montemayor, Siete Piezas de Album - Moreno Torroba
瓦切兹《来源》Krynica - Sabastien Vachez
维尔瓦尔迪《D大调协奏曲》之广板 Largo from Concerto in D - Antonio Vivaldi
华莱斯《草图2号》Sketches II - Frank Wallace
威廉斯《辛德勒的名单》Theme from Schindler's List - John Williams
约克《广场小憩》《烛光》《雪光》等 Squares Suspended, By Candle light, 8 discernments (extra votes for Snowflight) -Andrew York
罗斯改编《你是我的幻想》Be Thou My Vision - Anonymous, arranged by Jonathan Roth
日本民谣《樱花变奏曲》 Sakura variations
苏格兰鲁特琴小调 Scottish lute piece (aka Daniel's Tune - Matthew McAllister) - Anonymous (Rowallan Manuscript)
泰南特改编《山野里的百里香》Wild Mountain Thyme - arranged by Scott Tennant
《好弹、优美的吉他曲,谁听谁心动》 http://fangguitar.com/article/404.html
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